Post Administration Recovery

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After Administering Naloxone - What to Expect

Managing Post-Naloxone Administration

After administering naloxone, it's important to be prepared for what happens next.

Waking Up and Withdrawal Symptoms

Post-Naloxone Effects:

  • The person will wake up as naloxone takes effect.
  • They may start experiencing withdrawal symptoms due to naloxone's action.
  • Take time to explain the situation calmly and reassure them about the temporary nature of withdrawal symptoms.

Monitoring and Further Administration

Stay Alert:

  • Although awake, opioids may still be present in their system.
  • Be prepared to administer another dose if they fall unconscious again.
  • Do not leave them unattended until paramedics arrive to provide further support.

Coping and Self-Care

Aftercare and Well-being:

  • Administering naloxone can be physically and emotionally taxing.
  • Ensure to rest adequately and seek support if feeling emotionally affected.
  • Contact your GP if experiencing negative thoughts or emotional distress.