Giving Naloxone by Ampoule Injection

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1 min 17 sec
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The actual administration of the naloxone to the patient is actually the same as if the drug was a predosed syringe. However, not all forms of naloxone will include predosed syringes. Therefore, in this video, we will cover how to draw the naloxone up from a new syringe for an ampoule. Once you have the needle syringe and the naloxone ampoule, break off the top of the ampoule to expose the drug, then make sure that the syringe is empty and place the needle into the drug. As always, be careful when handling exposed needles. Make sure the tip of the needle has been inserted all the way in as you do not want to suck any air into the syringe. Slowly pull on the plunger until you have drawn out 0.4 millilitres of naloxone, then check for air bubbles. Should you see any, hold the needle vertically and gently flick the tip of the syringe to move the air bubble to the top. Then you can gently press the plunger to remove the air bubble. Once you are happy that the drug is ready, you can proceed to actually administer the drug the same as you would as normal. Should you need to draw up another, then follow these steps again.