Identifying Opioid Overdose

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1 min 41 sec
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Opioid Overdose Signs and Symptoms - Recognising the Signs

Understanding Opioid Effects

Opioids primarily function as pain relievers but can induce euphoria when taken.

Impact on Breathing

Effects on Breathing:

  • Opioids affect the brain's respiratory control centre, potentially slowing breathing to dangerous levels.
  • Severe respiratory depression can be life-threatening.

Signs of Opioid Overdose

Recognising an Overdose:

  • Pale, clammy skin
  • Extremely slow or absent breathing
  • Blue extremities (cyanosis)
  • Unresponsiveness or inability to wake up

Identifying Possible Overdose

Indicators of Suspected Overdose:

  • Empty blister packets or discarded needles nearby
  • Potential presence of naloxone, indicating awareness of overdose risk

Learn more about responding to an unconscious person suspected of opioid overdose in a separate video.