Giving Naloxone by Pre-dosed Injection

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4 min 38 sec
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Administering Naloxone - Step-by-Step Guide

Preparation and Administration

Administering a medicinal drug via injection can seem daunting, but remaining calm and following proper procedures is key.

Handling Naloxone

Using Prenoxad:

  • Break the seals on the naloxone box to access the syringe and needles.
  • Ensure the syringe is ready by twisting off the grey top and attaching the needle.
  • Leave the needle sheath on until ready to inject to prevent needlestick injuries.

Injection Process

Administering the Dose:

  • Attach the blue needle securely and expose the needle by removing the sheath.
  • Inject 0.4 millilitres intramuscularly into the upper outer arm or thigh, aiming for muscle tissue.
  • If necessary, inject through clothing, avoiding zips and seams.

Post-Injection Steps

After Administering Naloxone:

  • Wait 2-3 minutes for naloxone to take effect.
  • If no improvement, administer a second dose using the same needle.
  • Securely place used needle and syringe back into the box to prevent needlestick injuries.

Make a note of the time of the first dose for medical professionals.

Monitoring and Recovery

Ensuring Safety:

  • Place the person in the recovery position to prevent airway blockage.
  • Stay with the person until EMS arrives, ensuring they remain safe and supported.