Overdosing with Opioids

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Opioid Overdose Risks and Tolerance

Statistics and Risks

The government's statistics for 2020 revealed that approximately half of all drug poisoning deaths, totalling 2263 out of 4561 deaths, were linked to opioids.

Understanding Opioid Overdose

Cause of Overdose:

  • Overdosing on opioids commonly occurs when an individual consumes more than their body can safely handle.
  • Inhibitory Effects: Opioids slow down breathing, potentially leading to unconsciousness and death.
  • If breathing is significantly reduced, it can result in fatal outcomes.

Moreover, unconsciousness from overdose poses additional risks, such as airway obstruction from vomit, further complicating the situation.

Drug Tolerance and Risks

Development and Consequences:

  • With prolonged use, individuals can develop drug tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects.
  • Rehabilitation and Relapse: After achieving sobriety through rehab, returning to previous doses can lead to overdose due to reduced tolerance.
  • Loss of tolerance post-rehab increases the risk of overdose if prior drug quantities are consumed.

Drug tolerance is not exclusive to opioids but applies across various types of drugs, including prescription, over-the-counter, and illicit substances.